Monday, July 23, 2012


Thomas Beatie - The first ever documented pregnant transgender man...
Thomas Beatie is an American female-to-male transsexual. His mother committed suicide when he was 12 and his father was never close to him. Thomas was born as a girl named Tracy LaGondino ,but being a child he always acted as a mischievous boy. At the age of 20 the young man decided that he was trapped inside awoman's body and when he was 24 he started to take male hormones. That was the first step to the sex change. Then he began transitioning in the late 1990’s by undergoing hormone therapy and surgery. He opted for a gender reassignment procedure that allowed him to keep his original reproductive organs. In 2002 he was legally recognized as a man, and in 2003 he married his wife, Nancy.
(Thomas beatie before transition - Tracy LaGondino )

Thomas and Nancy wanted to start a family, but it was the man who needed the sperm donor since Nancy was no longer able to bear children. So, in 2008, Thomas garnered worldwide attention by becoming pregnant through artificial insemination, thereby expanding the human experience of pregnancy to men. Today, he is renowned as the pop-culture icon, the world’s first Pregnant Man (The first person to give birth fully documented as male and legally married to a woman), and according to Guinness World Records, the World’s First Married Man to Give Birth. 

News of Thomas' pregnancy sparked a worldwide media frenzy across multiple platforms. He appeared ininterviews with top echelon media moguls Oprah Winfrey, Barbara Walters, and Larry King, and has appeared regularly on popular venues like Good Morning America, The View, and most recently The Doctors.

Already by 2008, Thomas first pregnancy had become the largest and furthest reaching transgender newsstory in history, and kick-started a media cascade of growing world-wide transgender awareness and reporting that has still not seen its crest. The exclusive documentary, “Pregnant Man,” released in November of 2008, was wildly successful and continues to air today throughout the world, documenting the final weeks of his pregnancy and the landmark birth of Susan.

Shortly after Susan was born, Thomas authored his first book, " Labor of Love: The Story of One Man’s Extraordinary Pregnancy " . Now Thomas Beatie is considered as a beacon of hope for people struggling with the stigma that transgender people can't or shouldn't start a family. He sees a need to help today’s transgender youth by embracing the ideas of self-love and acceptance. He is embarking on a renewed effort to educate transgender people and their friends and families about the resources available to them—including the importance of maintaining one’s reproductive options and health. 

Thomas Beatie now has three children, Susan (first), Austin (second) and Jansen (third). He gave birth to all three children naturally within 3 years of time.

Source: Share Good Stuffs


Mtu unapata ajali kama hii afu unakimbia tena mfanyakazi…hapo boss aamini nini sasa?Ulikuwa umelewa?Uzembe?Makusudi au bahati mbaya? Hii ilitokea weekend bara bara ya Sumbawanga

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Tarehe 22 mwezi wa 7 huwa ni tarehe ambayo twakumbuka siku ya kufariki bibi mzaa baba, kwa upande wa mama na baba huyu ndo bibi alikuwa kabakia na akawa ametufungia jalada la kuwa na bibi na babu. Huyu bibi alikuwa so close na mimi, shule ya msingi nimesoma nikiwa kwake na amenilea hasa...mama huwa ananiambia nilipofikisha mwaka mmoja alinipeleka kwa bibi huyu na nilikaa sana naye sikuwa msumbufu kabisa, wakati nimeanza secondary kila mwaka likizo moja nilikuwa lazima niende, hii ni picha nilipiga naye mwaka 2008 tulikuwa tumeenda kikazi sumbawanga nikapita kijijini kuwasalimia nikiwa na mama mdogo mtoto wake/mdogo wangu
 Hapa alikuwa anaumwa na tulipata nafasi ya kwenda kumuona ilikuwa miezi miwili kabla hajafariki
Padre alikuja kumtembelea pia na kupata sala
Na hapa ndo alipolala
Mwaka aliofariki mwaka huo huo mwezi wa 11 tulienda kijijini  familia zote kujenga makaburi ya bibi zetu wawili na babu zetu wawili upande wa mama na baba na tukafanya misa
Maakuli yalikuwepo
Mama na Vero
Mitambo kanisani ya wanakwaya
Wanakwaya wakiimba
Tulichagua nguo nyeupe kuwakumbuka akina bibi na babu, waumini kanisani
Nikiwa na baba shangazi/mumu wa shangazi yangu mwenye t-shirt nyeupe pia ni mwalimu wangu, na hao wengine ni wanafunzi wenzangu nilisoma nao darasa moja shule ya msingi
Mwenye nyeusi ni mwalimu wangu shule ya msingi, hadi leo huwa tunapigiana simu na kusalimiana, nikienda kijijini lazima nikamsalimie kwake
Kaburi la baba mzaa mama...yeye alifariki akiwa na miaka 106, nilikuwa darasa la sita ilikuwa ni siku ya ijumaa kuu...mama kwao ni mtoto wa mwisho
Kaburi la babu mzaa baba...alifariki nikiwa darasa la nne
RIP so connected na bibi huyu, ndo amenilea utoto wangu hadi darasa la 7, na alikuwa ananipenda mnoooo....i miss her mno
Wanachama wenzake wakitoa heshima zao kaburini kwake
Hapa yalikuwa ni maandalizi ya kujenga makaburi hayo manne
Ujenzi on process
Kaburi la bibi mzaa mama...yeye hatukwahi kumfahamu kabisaa maana alifariki wakati hata mama yetu hajaolewa
Kijijini hapo nilipata bonge la uyogaaaaaaaaa
Miaka yote hapa ndo twachota maji yanatoka milimani ni ya chem chem, tukitoa hapa ni kuyaweka mtungini yanakuwa ya baridiiii...hakuna kuchemsha wala nini
Idara nyeti
Ni hayo machache tu yaliyojiri miaka mitatu iliyopita
Upumzike kwa amani  Bibi Regina Namitita Matandiko.......Mungu alikupenda zaidi


Padri mmoja mzee alistaafu na wanaparokia walimfanyia sherehe kubwa. Katika sherehe hiyo, mbunge wa eneo hilo alipangwa kutoa hotuba ya shukurani ya kumuaga padri huyo kwa niaba ya wanaparokia wote. Bahati mbaya, mbunge alichelewa kufika .

Mc akamwomba padri aseme machache wakati wanamsubiri mheshimiwa mbunge.

Padri hakujipanga kusema kitu lakini kwa kujitahidi, aliongea.

"Wapendwa, naikumbuka sana siku nilipofika katika kanisa hili kwa mara ya
kwanza, ila nilipata mshangao siku nilipoanza kuungamisha. Mtu wa kwanza
kabisa kumuungamisha alinishangaza sana. kwani alisema amemwibia bosi wake TV, amemwibia ndugu yake pesa za urithi, amezini na jirani yake, na pia
katembea na house girl wake. Nikapata picha kuwa kumbe watu wa kanisa hili
ndivyo walivyo, nikasikitika sana. Kumbe nilifikiria tofauti. Kwani baadaye
nikakuta kumbe watu wa hapa ni wazuri sana na hawatendi dhambi mara kwa mara na ni wastaarabu sana".

Mara mheshimiwa mbunge akawasili, padri akakatisha maongezi na mbunge
akaanza kuhutubia. "Ndugu wapendwa, naomba mniwie radhi kwa kuchelewa kwani nilikuwa na majukumu makubwa ya kiserikali. Pia ninayo furaha kubwa kwa kunipa nafasi hii kuhutubia kwa niaba yenu. Mimi nina bahati sana kwani
padri huyu alipokuja hapa, mimi nilikuwa mtu wa kwanza kwenda na kuungama

Fundisho-tuwe tunawahi

Saturday, July 21, 2012


Tragic: Usher's 11-year-old stepson Kyle Glover, pictured here with the R&B star and his former wife Tameka Foster, has died today following a severe jet ski accident earlier this month
Usher's 11-year-old stepson has died today.
Kyle Glover, whose name is sometimes spelled Kile, passed away this morning according to TMZ, from the injuries he obtained in a tragic jet ski accident in Georgia earlier this month.
The young boy was reportedly taken off life support by doctors, who determined that he would not recover from his injuries.
The website reports that Glover's mother and Usher's ex-wife Tameka Foster is said to have grappled with the difficult decision to disconnect the life support, and is said to be understandably 'devastated.'
Hospital: Usher's son passed away at the Egelston Children's Hospital in Atlanta this morning
Kyle was struck in the head during a jet ski collision while riding an inner tube on Lake Lanier in Atlanta, Georgia, earlier this month.

SO BRAVE: Jua Cali Stops A Plane From Crashing

While on a recent European tour, Juacali became a local hero in Amsterdam after preventing a plane from crashing just before it took off. Here's what happened:
Juacali had just boarded a plane that was going from Amsterdam to London. He got the window seat. Looking outside as he sat in his chair, he noticed the left engine of the plane was producing some black smoke. Juacali sensed that something was amiss. He immediately alerted the beautiful air hostesses to the problem. Shortly afterwards, everybody was instructed to get off the plane.
The pilots said they were 5 minutes away from taking off but Jua Cali's keen observation actually saved the day. The airport paid for his trip and he was awarded with 10 bonus first class tickets, valid for 5 years.


A teenage boy has died after he fell from a boat being driven by his father and was apparently hit by its propeller, police said today.
The 14-year-old from Surrey, who has not been named, was with two school friends and his father aboard the rigid inflatable speedboat when two of the passengers suddenly fell overboard.
The drama happened a few hundred yards off The Needles on the Isle of Wight as they made their way across the water from Dorset.

 Landmark: Coastguards said a teenage boy suffered life-threatening injuries when he was hit with a propeller after falling from a boat near The Needles on the Isle of Wight


Friday, July 20, 2012

Kenya Education Minister supports wearing of miniskirts in schools

Education Minister Mutula Kilonzo has supported the wearing of miniskirts school uniforms for school girls terming it as ''modern'' dressing.
Speaking at Chelilis Girls High School in Bureti, Kericho County on Wednesday, Mutula said the reaction was a manifestation that the education sector was still being governed by outdated rules and regulations.
Earlier this week, learning at Rwathia Girls Secondary School in Kangema district was disrupted after students went on strike demanding to wear miniskirts.